155 db
Age Of Empires 2Age Of MythologyAlone In The Dark 3Alone In The Dark 4ArcanumArcanum koordinátákArx FatalisAtlantisAtlantis 2Atlantis 3Baldurs GateBaldurs Gate 2Baldurs Gate 2 Throne of BhaalBattlezone 2BattleField 1942Black and WhiteBlade RunnerBlair Witch Vol1Blair Witch Vol2Blair Witch Vol3Broken SwordBroken Sword 2C&C Generals GGChampionship Manager '99Colin 2 optimális beállításokCommandosCommandos 2Conflict FreespaceCrusader of Might and MagicDark OmenDay of the TentecleDesperadosDeus ExDiablo 2Die by the SwordDiscworldDivine DivinityDracula 2DrakanDriverDune 2000Dungeon Keeper 2Ecstatica 2EgyptFalloutFallout 2Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of SteelFinal Fantasy VII (1.)Final Fantasy VII (2.)Full ThrottleGabriel Knight 2Gabriel Knight 3Ghost MasterGorky17Gothic 2 Gothic 2 (nem uaz)GTA Vice CityGrim FandangoHalf-LifeHalf-Life (másik)Half-Life: Opposing ForceHalf-Life: Blue ShiftHalf-Life: Blue Shift (másik) Heroes of Might and Magic 2HexploreHitmanHomeworldIcewind DaleIcewind Dale 2Indiana Jones 6Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisIndiana Jones and the Infernal Machines (folyt.; első nincs meg sajnos)Jagged Alliance 2Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished BusinessKingpinLands of Lore Lands of Lore 3Larry 5Larry 7Loch NessMafiaMagic and MayhemMDKMDK 2Medieval: Total WarMetal Gear 2Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of HeavenMight and Magic 8: Day of the DestroyerMM8_PotionsMM8_SkillekMM8_UtazasMonkey Island 3Monkey Island 4Moorhuhn Winter EditionMystMyst IIIThe Mystery of the DruidsNHL 2000NHL 2001NocturneNOXOutcastPanzer General 3Phantasmagoria 2PharaohPlanescape: TormentPool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor PraetoriansPrisoner of IceProject IGIRage of MagesRage of Mages II: A nekromantaRailRoad Tycoon 2Red Alert 2Rent A HeroResident Evil 3RIPPERRivenRoad to IndiaRogue SquadronSanitariumSerious SamSilent Hill 2Sim City 3000Sim City 4Splinter CellStar Wars: Episode 1Stupid InvadersThe DigThe road to EldoradoThe SimsThief: The Dark ProjectTiberian SunTiberian Sun: FirestormTomb Raider 3Tomb Raider 4Tomb Raider ChroniclesTotal AnnihilationTouche: The adventures of the fifth musketeerTzarUndyingUnreal TournamentUnreal Tournament 2003Urban RunnerVersaillesVészhelyzetWarcraft 3: Frozen ThroneWizards and WarriorsWoodruffX-FilesX-Wing AllianceZORK: Grand Inquisitor